Sunday, May 18, 2014

Dead Spaces

Dead Spaces

I saw a mother crow make a nest,
Her sticks and chicks hid in the stones of an old church’s crest,
Are the voids between those high columns to create for the crows’ rest?

Or the boy and girl who hide in the dark,
Hugging and kissing against a tree bark,
Does the night tree guard from seeing their love’s spark? 

The boys who skate above the short wall,
Sliding and sailing, they pretend to never fall,
Do they not know those walls retain the grass and dirt, and are only for bugs to crawl?

I remember a nine-story staircase where people smoked,
Exit signs covered in doodles, where people joked,

I remember a room where someone choked,
I’d never sleep inside this, where he died as no-one hoped.

I remember another room where I did in fact sleep,
Covered with photos of my own, my grandma here left for eternal keep.

Will we know the use of every space?
I keep going up and down the elevator just to feel close with my lover’s grace.
Which will be the last place I’ll chase?

Seems like this space is to stay and play, but I know I must embrace to pay before the last day.

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